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Get in touch

Do you have questions about the career opportunities within Huisman? Please contact us. We look forward to telling you more about the possibilities of working at Huisman.

Huisman Equipment B.V.

Admiraal Trompstraat 2
3115 HH Schiedam
Postbus 150
3100 AD Schiedam
+31 88 070 22 22

General questions

Note: the form below is not intended for applying for a job. Applications submitted via the contact form will not be processed.

Contact form for general questions
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{{ errors.first("field_14") }}
{{ errors.first("field_15") }}
{{ errors.first("privacy") }}

Student Associations

If you are a member of a student association and are looking for a cooperation please contact us via the contact form for student associations.

Contact form for student associations
{{ errors.first("field_22") }}
{{ errors.first("field_23") }}
{{ errors.first("field_24") }}
{{ errors.first("privacy") }}

Are you an agency?

Are you a supplier of (technical) staffing services and employment and do you want to inform us about your services? Please fill in the form below.

Contact form for agencies
{{ errors.first("field_28") }}
{{ errors.first("field_47") }}
{{ errors.first("field_29") }}
{{ errors.first("field_31") }}
{{ errors.first("field_33") }}
{{ errors.first("field_50") }}
{{ errors.first("field_30") }}
{{ errors.first("privacy") }}