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New Perspectives / Cees

“In order to make a genuine impact, you have to properly set your urgency radar.” Cees van Veluw, Manager of the ‘cranes team’, knows when problems need to be solved immediately and when it can be done at a later stage. “After all, as engineers we always see a problem somewhere that we want to solve.” 
In the future, cranes will be controlled more autonomously.”Cees van Veluw, Product Manager Cranes

Busy times Cees?
“You’re right about that. We are continuously looking for new opportunities to service our clients best. We recently signed a great contract for the delivery of a Wind Turbine Installation Crane. We once proactively approached this party with a brilliant engineering idea and thanks to solid cooperation this contract is the result.”

They must have appreciated your ‘pro activeness’?
“Well, at first they thought it was a bit cocky, but they were curious enough to listen to us. We then explained our ideas about bigger cranes on vessels and now we will be building them a crane to install the next generation wind turbines. I’m very pleased about it, because it was a long-winded process.”

Typically Huisman, this mentality?
“Spotting opportunities, acting fast en besides technical know-how also some business acumen is what you need when you work at Huisman. We go for high-quality products and long-term relations. And don’t forget flexibility - if a client wants something else, that should be possible too. Furthermore, we dislike unnecessary procedures internally, with which I totally agree. Don’t get me wrong. Some rules are necessary, but don’t bother me with the purple crocodile.”

Fine, no crocodile for you, but what would make you happy in the future?
“With all the high-end technology available, you would expect more autonomous control from the office. Take crane operators, for example, who are sent offshore for weeks on end. It costs a lot of money, for important work; however it involves a lot of waiting, which is not that efficient. Moreover, they are also away from home for quite some time, which is no fun at all of course. I think there is efficiency to be gained there. In addition, I expect that more wind turbines will be installed with 3D-compensated systems. In any case offshore wind has been booming these past five years. It has really flooded the market. Now it’s also up to us to think about what will be next.”

How do you manage, staying innovative?
“It’s all about the method of working: giving colleagues time and space to experiment, test new ideas and then submit the results to management. They are definitely open to new ideas. In addition, you always need to keep an eye on global trends, like more sustainability, automation and data analysis. And don’t forget to also take the client’s perspective into consideration.”

Take a guess, where does Huisman stand in twenty years or so?
“Besides offshore equipment, we might be doing something totally different as well. I have no idea. Everything is possible at Huisman, really.”

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