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NieuweWarmteNu! receives conditional grant

The National Growth Fund has granted the NieuweWarmteNu! (NWN!) consortium, of which Huisman is a partner, a conditional contribution. When the award becomes final, a maximum of ten collective heat projects in the built environment and greenhouse horticulture can be developed as a replacement for heating with natural gas. Depending on the speed of the follow-up process, construction of the first projects can start as early as 2023 and! will run for four years from award date. NWN! can provide an impulse in the energy transition and in phasing out natural gas, at low social costs.

In the consortium NWN!, Huisman works together with governments, (heating) companies, network operators, energy cooperatives and knowledge institutions to accelerate the deployment of sustainable collective heating systems. In addition to the projects that NWN! wants to realise for the construction of sustainable collective heating systems in the built environment and greenhouse horticulture, various innovations are demonstrated in practice. This considerably increases the use of sustainable heat sources such as geothermal energy, residual heat, solar thermal and aquathermal.